U Lazy 2 ™ uses actual data to sort performance on its cattle. EPD's are used only as a guide and a starting point. U Lazy 2 ™ keeps data on a individual head basis and performance at every level is measured. We sort herds by final performance at harvest and economic performance then sort backwards through the production process. While we know that final data performance does not come until the harvest process, like EPD's we have enough information to have a high degree of accuracy in performance of those we sell. In the livestock industry, specifically the beef side, we strive to achieve the highest returns for the least cost. With this in mind UL2 attempts to create a data base from historical data that allows us to choose the right replacement based on actual data from carcass performance as well as data from production performance. Beef is a highly elastic economic product, quality counts and consistent beef quality starts with the type of livestock we raise. With our many Licensed Operations and Contract Growers we have a huge gene pool to select from. Few in the industry including registered breeders has the ability to help the cattle producer find genetics that are directed at being economical, and profitable. There are few breeders at this time attempting to select cattle based on economics. U Lazy 2™ is one of the only true cattle alliances that give information back to the producer so that they can produce cattle with a consistency and quality that is unequaled. Anyone can select cattle based on one or two traits, U Lazy 2™ bases its selection on all of the economically important one. We have Licensed Operations that sell breeding stock as well as commercial cattle. No matter what all cattle whether sold for breeding or otherwise are tracked, marketed, and replaced based on individual economic data. Contact us for your replacement needs, we will send you to some of the top producers in the world. For contact information see our home page or go to our Feed Back Page.
Key Benefits
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