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® At UL2 we have different
programs to meet the needs of producers. They range from Licensed
Operators, where
producers raise cattle to our specifications with our assistance, to
replacements for the cattle raisers herd with actual data, to consulting with
producers, to the location and acquiring of feed supplies.
- Licensed Programs
U Lazy 2 ™has
a license program in which qualified producers may grow beef cattle for U Lazy 2
™ under strict guidelines and full
assistance. While this program is not for everyone, it helps the
livestock producer minimize his risks by pre-contracting beef cattle
via our contract grower network and receiving
data returns on his production as well as the carcass results to help him in the future.
- Replacements
U Lazy 2 ™ provides
replacement beef cattle at a fair price. We use actual performance
and carcass data to sort out poor performance. EPD's are used as
an initial guide. U Lazy 2
™ attempts not to purchase beef cattle from any
livestock producer that individual actual data is not present, so we do the same
for our customers.
- Feed Supplies
U Lazy 2 ™ has a great need for Feed everyday, we check our sources for
the best deal tailored to each of our Contract Growers and Licensed
Operator's needs as well as our
own. We can in many instances, get feed and/or supplements
delivered to your location cheaper than you can yourself. Let our experience help you to get better deals from lower
prices to just finding what your needs really are. We don't
always limit ourselves to beef supplements or feeds, we do on occasion
purchase other feed for livestock, fish, dogs and other animals provided
the order is large enough, (usually one ton). We also have direct
purchase deals thru many feed producers such as ADM and Purina Mills.
U Lazy 2
™ has been
collecting data on beef cattle both on performance in the production phases as
well as the carcass cutout phases of the beef business since we began. We
can help you maximize you performance for your environment. We will help
you use less supplementation and less labor, while maintaining or increasing
performance. Let U Lazy 2
™ help
you cut some costs on the production side without sacrificing quality of your
beef or food product.