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Food Safety for Ranges




U Lazy 2 Cattle Company Critical Management Points














Ø        Water sources and storage facilities are to be protected from contamination as well as possible.


Ø        All water and hay facilities are to be routinely checked by employees several times per week thoughtout the year. Any facility that is dirty or contaminated is to be drained, cleaned and decontaminated as soon as possible.


Ø        Pastures should routinely be checked for outside sources of contamination including trash, old batteries, pumps, hydraulic equipment, storage tanks as well as trespassers and other abnormal activities.


Ø        Any place cattle congregate should be checked for foreign objects and hazards, either on the ground or partially buried.


Ø        All hay wire and strings should be removed as soon as possible.  Plastic and other foreign matter should not be allowed to be eaten by cattle.


Ø        Any pastures or crops that have been sprayed with any chemical should be excluded from grazing where chemical label requirements state so.  Withdrawal times should be noted on the calendar and or treatment forms for others to reference.


Ø        Feed and hay should be stored as to not allow runoff of water from fields and or areas where mechanical repairs are made to prevent residues from entering the food stream.


Ø        Feed trucks and associated equipment and employees should not be allowed into feeding areas or areas that could be contaminated.  This is prevent the contamination of this location as well as to prevent the contamination of others down the road.


Ø        Dead animals should be properly disposed of.


Ø        Sink holes and other area where water can drain should be maintained as best one can to prevent run off of water or contaminated soil to enter into the area.


Ø        Leaking equipment and other leaking items should be checked and repaired where the leak is of a chemical nature.


Ø        Regular communication with other employees and managers will be necessary for complete prevention of contamination. 


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Copyright © U Lazy 2 Cattle Company 2004